| Carbonyl Captain |
Carbonyl is an excellent dota2 player - able to deftly maneuver through each stage of the game. Not only is he skilled with Earthshaker, he also has an amazing position 5 game and skillful in the offlane and safelane.
With his amazing game sense, he knows when and where to make the right plays. Additionally, his love of basketball gives him an extra edge when adapting to team dynamics and making difficult split second decisions.
In short, Carbonyl puts the 'power' in power ranking in regards to dota2 players. Time and time again he has proven himself to be one of the most consistently skilled players with excellent judgement and foresight.
His position 5 game, offlane, and safelane skill together with his amazing game sense, make him an indispensable part of any dota2 team.
If you're looking for a great player to help carry your team to victory, look no further than Carbonyl- he won't disappoint! |     |
 | Skater_x7 Captain |
Skater_x7 is a force of nature in Dota His offlane players practically weep when they face him.
He sits comfortably in the top tier of players, boasting an impressive ranking.
As a mid-laner, Skater_x7's skill is rivaled by few - as evidenced by the decisions of opponents to avoid laning against him.
He has serious last-hitting chops, somehow being able to nail the hardest of mines with surprising accuracy.
Skater_x7 is the player to beat - but if only everyone could hold back their tears. |     |
 | keshi Captain |
Keshi is a top-ranked Dota2 pro who excels at many roles in-game. His ability to play Invoker is exceptional, and his adeptness as a soft support player is amazing. Moreover, Keshi is an outstanding mid player and offlaner, and he is well known for his cold Snap combos in the laning phase. All in all, Keshi is an amazing Dota2 player, making him a top-tier choice for any team. |     |
 | BullJaXX Captain |
BullJaXX is an unstoppable force in the Dota2 scene, making offlane players cry as he powers through the lane every game. Not only is he a force to be reckoned with in the mid lane, but his Immortal Rank is a testament to his prowess. His Ogres Magi play is nothing short of amazing, and it's clear that the Casino Gods must be praying to him because of the way he consistently dominates. BullJaXX is an all-rounder who proves to be head and shoulders above most of his opponents in most positions, earning him a solid #2 spot in the Power Rankings. |     |
 | AgressivelyPMA Captain |
"AgressivelyPMA is a damn force to be reckoned with when it comes to Dota His amazing game sense and great safelane play is something to be admired. Unfortunately, his slightly toxic attitude can sometimes put a damper on the game. Still, despite this minor flaw, his skill level is on par with the best, and that alone should be enough to make him part of the top-tier Dota2 players. Damn, this guy has some skills!" |     |
 | ryrk | .
Ryrk is an amazing offlane player and makes almost no mistakes which allows him to dominate as a position 1 and leap into the thick of things!
On top of that, he is an amazing support player and can play a great soft support role as well as hold his own in mid with Marci.
Unfortunately, his toxicity is a huge buzzkill. No matter how great his plays might be, nobody wants someone to be shouting fuck and cursing every two seconds.
However, if he can keep his cool, he's an insanely powerful player who can easily dominate in the offlane or support roles.
Fuck, Ryrk really knows how to play, fuck his rage though. |     |
 | N4tticus |
The power of N4tticus can not be overstated. He is a top-ranked player who loves picking and playing squishy heroes, and his soft support gameplay is simply amazing.
The Skywrath Mage should be grateful to have N4tticus as their captain, because he is so solid at the hero!
When it comes to ranking players, N4tticus always rises to the top like a hot air balloon on a windy day.
Some may fear N4tticus' squishiness, which is understandable given his impressive skills.
But as he soars up the ranks, N4tticus himself will be the last one standing! |     |
 | FatSloth | .
FatSloth is a hell of a soft support player--he knows exactly when to use Rage, can rotate well, and make only the occasional tiny mistake.
When it comes to position 5, he's also one hell of a player. He's solid with Lifestealer and can keep his teammates in the game at all time.
His only fault might be the occasional toxic tilt but, hey-sometimes it's hella necessary.
All in all, FatSloth is a helluva dota2 player who knows when to make the necessary calls to win.
His ability to stay completely in control during a game and understand the responsibilities of being a support player is what makes FatSoth stand out for sure--hell yeah! |     |
 | velvelvel |
Velvelvel is, no doubt, the pinnacle of Dota2 play. He seemingly dominates in every position, and being at Divine Rank is only the tip of the iceberg. His Lina play is extremely exceptional and it's hell trying to lane against him!
Not only is he an amazing mid player, but he destroys safelaners and that can be truly cancerous. His position 4 play is second to none and he even thrives at position
This guy might be slightly toxic but his skill level overshadows his attitude issues. His knowledge of the game is just insane and it's terrifying how well he understands even the most complicated of strategies.
Velvelvel is hella good at making quick decisions and capitalizing on his opponents' mistakes. He adapts quickly and is able to adapt strategies on the fly, taking advantage of his opponents' weaknesses.
He is without a doubt one of the most talented Dota2 players out there. If you're looking for someone to destroy your enemy team and help you win a game, then Velvelvel is the one you're looking for! |     |
 | Clueless |
Clueless is an exceptional offlaner, with strong game sense and a liberal use of toxicity - however, his tendency toward verbal abuse can often detract from his team's performance.
Clueless utilises unconventional offlane timings to great effect, having a knack for predicting the enemy's movements - sure, his scathing demeanor isn't always appropriate but hey, it gets the point across.
Clueless is skilled in tanking heroes, able to hold their own in tricky situations and increase the pressure on the enemy's backline - his game sense also makes him an asset in team fights, as his ability to distinguish which enemy heroes to contest makes him an invaluable asset.
That being said, his exceptionally toxic nature can often be a hindrance rather than a help whilst in the game - often verbally targeting individual players and not stopping even when warned by his team.
Clueless is good in the offlane, no doubt, but his attitude problem can sometimes bring your team down - not to mention make playing a hell of a lot less enjoyable. |     |
 | You Killed Kenny! |
You Killed Kenny! has mastered the skill of Mirana play and has demonstrated great skill with both Divine Rank and professional level play.
His presence in any game commands respect, and opponents need to be on their guard or risk being exposed to his relentless pressure.
You Killed Kenny! is a formidable adversary and absolutely must not be underestimated; even experienced players will need to make sure to equip the necessary detection when facing him.
Because of his ability to outplay opponents at all levels, You Killed Kenny! is at the top of the leaderboard for power ranking amongst Mirana players.
Not only will opponents need to be careful when going up against You Killed Kenny!, but they are sure to be inspired by his skill to improve and strive for more. |     |
 | Alc Captain |
Alc is top ranked but his lightly toxic personality and tendency to mana-burn his opponents can be hell.
He's got great mechanics with AntiMage but sometimes his attitude gets in the way of his skills.
He's definitely got a lot of potential, but you have to put up with a lot just to get a chance to play with him.
Alc is one of the better players in the game, but in general there are more pleasant people to queue with.
He could be a top-notch player with better attitude, so overall he's still slightly below what he could be. |     |
 | outerlimits |
Hell yeah, Outerlimits is the ultimate Faceless Void god. His time walk usage is out of this world, and his mechanical skills are solid. He's a great asset to any team.
No doubt about it, Outerlimits knows how to take out the competition. Hell yeah! He'll have a carry running scared in no time.
Not only is Outerlimits an amazing player, but he's also a friendly guy. He's willing to give advice and help others hone their skills. It's no surprise why he has so many fans.
It's hard to find someone who can rival Outerlimits. His Faceless Void mechanics are top-notch and his time walk usage is nothing short of spectacular. Hell yeah!
In short, Outerlimits is an amazing player with insane reactions and friendly demeanor. If you're looking for someone to carry your team, look no further. Hell yeah! |     |
 | fruit punch |
Fruit Punch is a real escape artist - hiding in trees to avoid death has kept them alive to reach the Divine Rank.
But don't let that tree-hiding fool you, Fruit Punch is exceptionally adept at using Hood Wink to take out their opponents with cunning.
Fruit Punch's really developed their skills to make it to Divine Rank, but they could still stand to be a bit bolder in teamfights.
When it comes to in-game decision making, Fruit Punch's played it relatively safe to make it to the Divine Rank.
If Fruit Punch can pick up the pace and become more aggressive, their moves might outshine the competition in the Divine Rank. |     |
 | The Clamburglar |
The Clamburglar is a truly formidable player when it comes to Dota His great map awareness is combined with his impressive aim, allowing him to snipe players from far away with deadly precision.
His hero of choice is more often than not Hoodwink and he executes her abilities with amazing skill, able to deal with both single targets and groups of enemies with ease.
In team fights, The Clamburglar is a master at managing the mana of himself and his teammates, always making sure everyone is at the top of their game for maximum effect.
While their hero pool may be limited, The Clamburglar's skill on Hoodwink is undeniable, giving him the edge in most situations.
As a whole, The Clamburglar is a force to be reckoned with, and ranks up there with the top players in Dota |     |
 | LLDota |
LLDota sure is chopping up the competition. He's a solid Pudge who can take Ancient Tier players apart.
It's clear LLDota knows what he's doing in the game - no one stays standing when he sets his sights on them.
His plays will have your opponents trembling in their boots.
Don't even bother trying to out-Pudge him - LLDota will dispatch you in no time.
He's one of the better players out there and is definitely worthy of his Ancient Tier ranking. |     |
 | Mercii Captain |
Mercii has established himself as an unknown player with good game sense.
Despite his obscurity, he has quickly become a sought-after teammate in the competitive Dota2 arena.
He is known for his hard-nosed defensive style that often catches unaware opponents off guard.
His decision making and map awareness are considered top-tier and make Mercii a formidable opponent to face in any match.
In short, Mercii is a formidable player and one to definitely keep an eye on in the future.
Funny Dota2 Fact: Mercii always pays his teammates back with a round of their favorite beverage after winning a match! |     |
 | Topy |
Topy is a real chad when it comes to Dota His map Awareness is on point and his Dawnbreaker skills are solid.
Not only is he a chill and nice dude, but he also has a signature move of chasing down enemies with his Celestial Hammer.
He definitely keeps opponents guessing and wears them down with relentless aggression and strategic play.
He's a walking contradiction - a chad who knows when to lay down the hammer, yet can be chill and friendly.
All-in-all, Topy is a top-tier chad and one of the best Dota2 players around. |     |
 | darth pikachu |
Darth Pikachu is an amazing Dota2 player and a force to be reckoned with. His game sense is impeccable, and he knows exactly what he needs to do to bring his team to victory.
He is extremely skilled in using spell steals with Rubick, making sure his team capitalizes on the best spells in the game.
His confidence and initiative in game provide a huge boost to his team's morale, setting a high bar for future players.
His quick reaction times and ability to respond quickly to enemy moves give him a clear advantage when outplaying opponents.
Overall, Darth Pikachu is a must-have on any team, and is a top-tier player who consistently brings victory to his teams. His game sense and skill with Rubick are unparalleled and make him an invaluable asset. |     |
 | PZg- |
Damn, PZg- is like a plague that just won't go away. He's mechanical ability with Tinker is Divine Rank, in midlane at least, which sadly does not come without a heavy dose of toxicity.
It's almost like evertime you see his little Tinker armada in game, you just immediately want to grab a ray of sunshine and an antiperspirant.
Don't get me wrong, PZg- can really bring it midlane. But his cancerous-ness will soon have your whole team so heated that you too are ready to fling your keyboard out the window.
Dealing with PZg-'s inflated ego is no small task either. And the worst part is that he doesn't even have much to show for it!
But alas, PZg- is a winnable game. Surprisingly, you can put up with his attitude if you can put up with his play. Though it's not easy, it's damn doable! |     |
 | 7EMPEST Captain |
7EMPEST must be some kind of dota2 superhero - their game sense is otherworldly!
Even though we don't know much about them, their results speak for themselves - definitely one of the best players around.
7EMPEST is so stealthy that they've never been captured on camera while playing.
Rumor has it that they are impossible to outplay - in fact, they can even play multiple heroes at the same time!
Players around the world whisper prayers to 7EMPEST whenever they queue up for a game - and it usually pays off.
Fun Dota2 fact: 7EMPEST has a special ritual before every game - they wrap themselves in a cloak and recite an ancient dota2 incantation in order to gain superhuman powers! |     |
 | TornadO |
TornadO is a wholesome gamer who has immense skill and dedication climbing the Ancient ranks. His Phoenix expertise is truly impressive, as he is able to combat opponents with accurate fire spirits. In fact, his ability to land those fire spirits is mesmerizing, showcasing incredible precision. He's a true chad to watch, possessing the perfect balance of delicate skill and fire-fueled ferocity. In terms of power ranking CyberGamer players, TornadO is definitely at the top. |     |
 | xddd |
xddd is one of the top Dota2 players when it comes to defending highground, having mastered the art of keeping heroes out of the battle.
He also has very solid mechanical skills which makes him a major asset to any team that is looking to make aggressive pushes onto enemy ground.
xddd has a very solid understanding of Sniper and is able to quickly take out key targets in teamfights which often turns the tide of the match.
With his willingness to defend highground and secure victory for his team, xddd is considered a must-pick for any team looking to compete in competitive tournaments.
All in all, xddd is one of the most respected and skilled players in the Dota2 scene and is definitely someone to watch out for. |     |
 | SiCKBOY |
SiCKBOY is an incredibly talented Dota2 player who is not to be taken lightly. His strongest heroes are without a doubt Monkey King and Ancient Tier heroes. However, playing against him as a melee hero in lane can be incredibly frustrating, as he is exceptionally skilled in ensuring lane dominance - and he isn't afraid to be annoyingly toxic about it either. Having said that, his abilities in-game are second to none and you would be pushing your luck to underestimate him in any match-up. At the end of the day, SiCKBOY's skillset makes him a top tier player - and one that you would be a fool to fuck with. |     |
 | Gordon |
Gordon is at the top of the list when it comes to Rubick plays - his ability to anticipate enemy spells, snag the right spell, and stop team fights at the right time is one of his greatest assets.
His clutch telekinesis usage in the late game is unmatched, able to catch fleeing heroes or disrupt enemy engagement with a well-timed throw.
He also has great game sense and always seems to know when to fight or stay back and take objectives.
Gordon's ability to read his opponents and his experience makes him an invaluable teammate.
There's no doubt Gordon is one of the best Dota 2 players out there, and he deserves top marks in any power ranking. |     |
 | fearandrevere |
Fearandrevere is a mysterious dota2 player of seemingly mythical power – ranked Ancient Tier and capable of commanding the battlefield as if he was in a dream sequence.
Rumors abound that Fearandrevere is able to turn into his own courier at will to maximize his ability to efficiently transport resources from one part of the map to another.
Fearandrevere's dedication to his craft is unparalleled, as his ability to retreat when out of position is said to be so fast it even surprises his own team.
Not only a strategist, but a comedian as well, Fearandrevere can be heard spouting well-timed one-liners mid-combat that give his opponents a good chuckle before cutting them down.
It is rumored that Fearandrevere is so skilled that his chat wheel phrases are in different languages, although no one has been able to confirm this 'translation-casting' technique. |     |
 | Celtic Captain |
The one and only Celtic is an elite Dota2 player. His power level is off the charts! Not only is his game sense a thing of beauty, but he also has a knack for wielding Meepo to near perfection. His impeccable micro skills are worth writing an ode about.
A legend in the Dota2 world, Celtic basically overstuffs the ranks of any power ranking list. His excellence puts him on par with the greats of the game.
Can you say phenom? Any time someone mentions Celtic, one can't help but associate him with godlike precision and skill. He almost seems capable of conquering anything!
When it comes to power rankings, the name Celtic will always go straight to the top. It's no wonder why pro teams like him so much.
Seriously, if you want to be a dominant player, witnessing a Celtic match is a must. His game sense, Meepo mastery and micro skills are definitely worth keeping an eye on! |     |
 | Burrahobbit |
At the top of the power rankings, Burrahobbit stands tall with an impressive Divine Rank, proving once and for all that this player is a dota2 god.
Burrahobbit is known for the magical healing ability of the Fountain of Revelations spell, restoring health to the entire enemy team in an instant.
Despite their unknown origin, Burrahobbit has become legendary for their incredibly aggressive strategies that always catch their opponents off guard.
Friend and foe alike know that when Burrahobbit is at the helm, the game will end abruptly - in victory or defeat.
As the saying goes, “Legends never die”, and Burrahobbit proves this to be true as one of the first players to total up 2000 kills and remain undefeated in dota2 history. Fun Fact: Burrahobbit is known to call upon the mysterious “Frog of Fortune” during matches to predict the future of their in-game decisions! |     |
 | Skroomlite |
Skroomlite is an unknown in the dota2 world, but is quickly climbing the ranks thanks to his impeccable game sense.
With little to no known background in the game of Dota 2, Skroomlite has been proving himself on the battlefield, upsetting hardened veterans.
His unwavering determination to improve, although unknown to most, has been drawing the attention of the Dota 2 pros.
Skroomlite's raw talent and good game sense will undoubtedly carry him to the top in no time.
Fun fact: Skroomlite has no time for drama or petting, he just wants to play Dota 2! |     |
 | Wakerider |
When it comes to Ancient Rank, there's no one better than Wakerider. She has dominated the competition and looks like she's unstoppable!
If you need someone who's amazing at Techies, Wakerider is your go-to gal! She'll lay down the mines and let out a devious little chuckle as she watches you be blown to smithereens.
Not only is she amazing at Techies, she can pull off devastating combos with her mine placement. When Wakerider wants to burst you, you better be prepared!
Wakerider is the queen of Ancient Rank and is the undisputed grinder when it comes to Techies. She's even become a master of the mine placement combo!
When it comes to Dota2 power ranking, there's no one who can top Wakerider. She's a force to be reckoned with and her mine combo is pretty hilarious to watch! |     |
 | Zamolχes |
Zamolχes is an exceptional Ancient Tier player that excels when playing Monkey King.
With their ability to hide in trees and surprise enemies, they have quickly become a feared opponent in online tournaments.
Zamolχes is undoubtedly one of the strongest Dota2 players currently competing.
They have the skill and knowledge to tackle any challenge thrown their way.
When it comes to power rankings, Zamolχes stands out from the rest as an amazing Dota2 player. |     |
 | vvodle |
Vvodle is an Ancient Tier dota2 player, and a dark horse in the professional gaming circuit. He has often been underestimated, but has always managed to surprise his opponents.
Most professional teams have been raving about his in-game performance and instantaneous decision making skills.
Many have heatedly discussed the wisdom behind Vvodle's strategic approaches, and some have even gone so far as to call him magical.
Fun Fact: According to legend, Vvodle spends his free time secretly playing a dota2 mod called "Dota2-Battle Royale".
Vvodle definitely deserves his place in the upper echelons of professional dota2 players - phenomenally outplaying the competition, and proving that dark horses indeed do come out on top! |     |
 | RedBridge meta changer Captain |
RedBridge meta changer is a dota2 player who displays a high level of mechanical skill and expertise in the game. His thorough understanding of the game and the ability to utilize intricate strategies make him one of the best Riki players out there.
RedBridge's strategic ingenuity allows him to easily sneak around and get kills on unsuspecting opponents. This gives him an edge and an unpredictable edge on the battlefield.
RedBridge's knowledge and proficiency of the positioning and timing of Riki's abilities makes him difficult to outplay and predict. His expertise in the hero has earned him the nickname "Meta Changer".
RedBridge's use of Riki is not limited to his mechanical skills only, but he is also fearless in executing daring plays. His courage and ambition to pull off tricky maneuvers have earned him respect from opponents and fans alike.
RedBridge meta changer is a relentless fighter who loves to get in the middle of action. His solid mechanics, knowledge of Riki's abilities, and unpredictable gameplay make him one of the top dota2 players in the competitive scene. |     |
 | TC #Oldman |
TC #Oldman is an exception player when he's using Witch Doctor and playing in Ancient Tier; he has remarkable skill when it comes to timing and coordination.
Off lane players can hardly keep up with TC #Oldman's lightning-quick maledict aoe damage, putting his opponents on their heels and giving him a huge advantage.
His safty plays are rarely predicted, making him an unpredictable and unique player.
With his incredible understanding of the core mechanics in the game and his ability to stay one step ahead of the competition, TC #Oldman is easily a top-tier offlane player.
With his experience playing in Ancient Tier, it's no wonder why TC #Oldman is a highly sought after member of any team. He can certainly help any team reach the higher levels of success in the Dota2 scene. |     |
 | bun eater |
Bun Eater is a real monster in Dota He is a nice dude to teammates, but when it comes to crunch time, his clutch telekinesis usage and great map awareness really sets him apart from his peers. His Rubick skills are also some of the best I've ever seen - he can almost always steal the optimal spell for the situation. Bun Eater really deserves top marks in terms of being a reliable Dota 2 player who can be called upon in even the most dire situations. His skill-set makes him a real standout and is certainly worthy of the highest of praise. |     |
 | Imphatic |
Imphatic is a dota2 player to be reckoned with. With an Ancient Rank and mastery of pushing lanes and stellar Winter Wyvern play, they can confidently hold their head high as one of the best.
Nobody has a better understanding of wave control than Imphatic; their impact on games is always immense.
Winter Wyvern is an incredibly difficult hero to play, but Imphatic makes it seem like a walk in the park.
When the going gets tough, Imphatic is the player that comes to the rescue.
When assembling a winning team, Imphatic is often the first and last name on the list, deservedly earning the top spot in terms of dota2 players. |     |
 | shuoshuoshuo |
Damn, Shuoshuoshuo sure knows how to carry a team no matter their rank! He's Legend Rank and has a little bit of toxicity, but it doesn't weaken his skill and is usually accompanied by a great attitude.
Shuoshuoshuo is a great support player and always has the team's best interest in mind - he understands game mechanics, rotations, and timing.
His communication and ability to strategize is top-notch and quite impressive. He knows how to react to fast-paced team fights, even in a high ranked game.
His amazing decision-making capabilities paired with his exceptional mechanical prowess allow him to climb the ranks in no time.
Overall, Shuoshuoshuo is an amazing Dota2 player and is worth considering if you are looking for a Legend-rank teammate. He knows when to be serious and when to let off some steam, resulting in an overall great gameplay experience. |     |
 | KnivesInMyCoffee |
KnivesInMyCoffee deserves the top spot on the Dota2 power ranking because nobody knows Pudge better than this master. When it comes to Ancient-tier slicing and dicing, no one can chop up their opponents quite like KnivesInMyCoffee!
KnivesInMyCoffee may not always be the most pleasant player to play against, but they will certainly chop you up if they have to!
When it comes Dota2 players who have Ancient-tier skill level and mastery of Pudge, the reigning champion will always be KnivesInMyCoffee.
Are you looking for a player to help you win fast? Then KnivesInMyCoffee is your go-to choice! Just don't get chopped up in the process…
KnivesInMyCoffee's amazing Pudge skills make them a powerful force in the Dota2 world, proving that sometimes it pays to have sharp knives in your coffee! |     |
 | Delukasor |
Delukasor's annoyingly frequent usage of his ult puts him in the running for a sorely coveted spot at the top of the Ancient Tier of Dota2 players.
While he may be well-practiced at Pugna, his poor ult decision-making makes it hard to be impressed by his skill level.
Delukasor is the kind of player who constantly distracts with the cascading sound of his unskilled ult cast.
Although he has good Pugna control, Delukasor's poor ult decision-making leaves more experienced players shaking their heads in frustration.
Delukasor takes a low ranking spot in Dota2's Ancient Tier, mostly due to his distractingly frequent ult usage. |     |
 | Tyr |
Tyr is a Dota 2 player with solid mechanical skills and an unknown history.
His pro career has been a surprise to the Dota 2 community, and he certainly has potential.
He is someone who can be relied upon to deliver reliable performance in the lanes and clashes.
While Tyr may not be the most accomplished grinding out long games, he certainly is a player to watch as his star is only beginning to rise.
The funny fact about Tyr is that he is most powerful when competing in the dark moonlight mode, which no other hero on the map can survive! |     |
 | CartmanBrah |
CartmanBrah is a top-tier Dota 2 player who has mastered his signature hero Dawnbreaker. He is fearless when it comes to leaping into the fray with his trusted Celestial Hammer.
His ability to relentlessly chase down enemies with successive blows make him a frightening force to be reckoned with.
CartmanBrah's aggressive tactics and lightning-fast reflexes often catch opponents off-guard and leave them completely stunned.
He is unrivaled when it comes to martial prowess and skillful maneuvering in mid-to-late game fights.
Even in chaotic skirmishes, CartmanBrah seems to stay one step ahead of his opponents, allowing him to emerge victorious in a majority of his matches. This makes him an incredibly powerful Dota 2 player and an excellent addition to any team. |     |
 | Poonzy |
Poonzy is one damn toxic Ancient Tier Dota2 player! Anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves in a game with this guy needs to get their carry ready because damn this guy will go straight for it.
He has no regard for teamplay and is known to backstab his own teammates if it means him getting an easier win.
Poonzy is an easy target for bans in draft games and almost deserves it for his damn attitude.
Don't let his Ancient tier fool you, his micro skills and map awareness can quickly turn the tide of a game if the stakes are high enough.
Bottom line, play with Poonzy and you're in for a wild ride. Don't be surprised if he says something nasty along the way, 'cause that's just plain old Poonzy. Damn. |     |
 | Elaina Captain |
Elaina is an exceptional Dota2 player, particularly when it comes to using Snapfire. Her ability to masterfully use Snapfire has allowed her to rise above mediocrity and show just how great she is!
Her ranking may not be the highest, but Elaina easily makes up for it with her amazing complementary skills. Her ability to land critical kisses that pack a surprise punch has been a major asset to her team.
Elaina’s vast knowledge of the game and her excellent strategic capabilities have made her an invaluable part of any team she’s been on.
Her focus and determination in the face of adversity has allowed Elaina to become an inspiration to many aspiring players.
Elaina is a force to be reckoned with and is undeniably one of the most impressive Dota2 players out there. Her level of skill when using Snapfire and her impressive kissing skills guarantee that she’ll be remembered for a long time. |     |
 | MunKushh |
MunKushh is definitely a force to be reckoned with when it comes to playing Arc Warden, but he does make some questionable decisions that can cost his team.
Playing against MunKushh can be infuriating due to his annoying habit of making bad plays that could easily have been avoided.
Although he can have some success with Arc Warden, his careless mistakes prevent him from being a top-tier player.
MunKushh's inconsistent performance can make it difficult to decide if he's a reliable teammate.
Overall, MunKushh falls somewhere in the middle of the pack when it comes to Dota 2 players, but if he ever learns to limit his mistakes, he could be a force to be reckoned with. |     |
 | Chris | .
"Hell yeah, Chris is one of the best Dota2 players I've encountered! His Ancient Tier is remarkable, and he has amazing skill with Luna. His usage of ultimates is on-point, too, giving him major points in my book. Every game with Chris is a pleasure to play, and his good spirit always makes me smile. 10/10, hell yeah!" |     |
 | Freeze | *:
Freeze is an absolute legend at Faceless Void, as evidenced by his Legend Tier ranking. Unfortunately, his slight toxicity may tarnish his reputation and makes for a less-than-stellar team experience.
His solid performance on Chronos makes up for it somewhat, but that doesn't make up for the fact that he's constantly tilting his teammates.
He's capable of outperforming his foes with his exceptional Void playing, so teammates should just suck it up and learn to cope with his occasional outbursts.
Despite being a bit of a troublemaker, Freeze still ranks highly for Faceless Void and Chronos, taking him up to an occasional god-like status.
If teamwork isn't your thing, Freeze should be your go-to Faceless Void player and Chronos expert, as long as you can tolerate his fuck-ups along the way. |     |
 | HULK |
HULK is a formidable presence in Dota2 and consistently performs at an Ancient Rank level. He is especially well-known for expertly solo picking off enemies.
As a Skywrath Mage, HULK is a force to be reckoned with. His expert use of arcane rituals to control the battle is almost unparalleled.
HULK is an experienced and reliable support player who possesses the perfect combination of knowledge, skill and precision.
When playing with HULK you can always count on him to play a strategic, focused game and consistently pull off incredible feats of skill.
Simply put, HULK is one of the best players out there and deserves a high spot in any power ranking of the most elite Dota2 players. |     |
 | Yumi Captain |
Yumi gets a power ranking of 5 out of 5 stars. She may have an uncertified or unknown Ancient Rank, but that doesn't stop this master of the Nexus from taking down some of the most powerful players. Yumi has led a number of teams to victories all while keeping her competitive edge and unwavering commitment to teamwork. She is a player that you want on your side. Fun fact: Despite Yumi's masterly skill, she insists that she is still learning something new about Dota2 every day! |     |
 | NinjaPnda |
NinjaPanda is a beast at Dota2, especially in the Ancient Rank. His clutch snowball saves often get the team out of tight spots, and he plays a mean Tusk.
With quick reactions and impressive team coordination, NinjaPanda is certainly a top-tier Dota2 player.
What's even more impressive is his ability to carry and win games with clutch moments as Tusk; this combination makes NinjaPanda a real force to be reckoned with.
I've seen NinjaPanda carry his team to several victories since his introduction to the Ancient Rank, and it's always a pleasure to watch.
Without a doubt, NinjaPanda is the undisputed king of the Dota2 Ancient Rank. |     |
 | Giggles{hacksON} Captain |
Giggles{hacksON} is a Dota2 player who is an absolute monster when it comes to Pudge. Anyone who thought his mediocre rank indicated he wasn’t any good will soon find out what a big mistake that was.
His rapier-like reflexes and skill with Pudge’s hook will have you chopped up in no time - a daunting task for even the most experienced players.
While Giggles{hacksON}’s overall rank is nothing to write home about, it certainly belies his mastery when it comes to specific heroes - in this case Pudge.
Giggles{hacksON} is a very competent player who strikes a great balance between aggressive and defensive playstyles.
Those looking for a master of the hook should look no further than Giggles{hacksON}; his blend of skill and aggression guarantees a hard-fought victory. |     |
 | Wuba |
Wuba is one slippery player. Even trying to catch him playing Clinkz in Ancient tier is like trying to catch a wet fish - nearly impossible.
Wuba has an exceptional skill set when it comes to playing Clinkz - they appear to be almost one and the same!
Unexpectedly climbing the Ancient tier ladder with ease and coming out victorious, Wuba is the top contender for Power Ranking the Ancient Tier.
Other players fear the unbeatable agility of Wuba when it comes to playing Clinkz. Many have tried and failed to keep up.
When it's time to play Clinkz in Ancient Tier, summon Wuba to your team and worry no more! He'll make sure you're (slippery) way to the top! |     |
 | i7|Jing |
i7|Jing is a literal Pudge master - his hooks and rotations are unrivalled among Ancient-ranked players. He's guaranteed to chop you up if you dare to step to him.
He really knows how to make a presence in the game and can carry teamfights with the strength of a hundred ogre magi.
Even if Pudge is not your preferred hero, i7|Jing can still pull out a clutch play in any circumstances.
His game knowledge is incredible and you can trust him to have a plan for any match-up.
If you are looking for an Ancient-Ranked Pudge god, it looks like i7|Jing is your man. |     |
 | Genuine Maple Syrup |
Genuine Maple Syrup is an absolute force to be reckoned with when it comes to Phantom Lancer. His Ancient Rank and ability to create multiple illusions make him an extremely formidable player in the lane.
He is a master of controlling the game, utilizing his illusions to create wins out of nothing. This makes him a player that no team can underestimate.
His decision making and strategic vision when playing Phantom Lancer are both sharp and highly effective, allowing him to consistently overperform his opponents.
His ability to dominate fights, split push and capitalize efficiently on gank opportunities make him an elite-level carry that is well worth investing time in.
Overall, Genuine Maple Syrup is an exceptional player and it's easy to see why he has an Ancient Rank in Dota He is absolutely one of the top Phantom Lancer players in the game right now. |     |
 | JBay7 |
JBay7 is THE king of Clockwerk players in Dota You would think a Legend Tier player wouldn't be able to utilize their hookshot for ganking, but his skills are beyond belief!
JBay7 has most likely taken over the number one spot in the Dota2 Clockwerk Hall of Fame! His hookshots are deadly and efficient.
When it comes to playing Clockwerk, JBay7 is unbeaten. No one can top his ganking abilities with a hookshot.
Most players would run away in the presence of a Legend Tier Clockwerk player, but JBay7 makes sure they have nowhere to run.
If you are looking for a professional and lethal Clockwerk player, look no further than JBay7! |     |
 | zeropoint Captain |
Zeropoint's game awareness is about as sharp as his mediocre rank: not very.
His devotion to spinning to win is both admirable and concerning.
However, his exceptional mastery of Juggernaut puts him several steps above his peers.
When Zeropoint ties his spinning mania to his Juggernaut prowess, he truly stands out from the mediocre crowd.
While Zeropoint's rank may be lackluster, showing up with an ax-wielding Juggernaut means no one is getting out of the game unscathed. |     |
 | Target |
Target is easily a top Legend rank Ogres, no doubt. He has an incredible ability to burst squishy heroes down and is exceptional at Visage.
There's no secret that Target is one of the strongest Ogres at this rank - he's simply a force to be reckoned with.
His ability to conserve mana while still dishing out flawless combos is impressive. He can take out a squishy quickly and efficiently, something many other Ogres struggle with.
His masterful ability to pull off difficult Visage rotations coupled with good positioning earns him a high place on this Power Ranking.
Any Ogre team lucky enough to have Target on their side is lucky indeed as his skill level could make or break a game. |     |
 | Farmacist |
Farmacist is definitely a nice dude you want on your team, hell yeah!
His Ancient Tier has earned him a spot in the big leagues.
He definitely knows his way around the game, no doubt about that.
But don't expect any god-tier plays from Farmacist; he's just a good, solid team player.
He's not going to single-handedly carry any games, but Farmacist can hold his own. Hell yeah! |     |
 | shangtee |
Shangtee is often referred to as the Ancient Apparition savant - his mastery over positioning, timing and control of the hero is virtually unmatched.
If a team needs a clutch Ice Blast, there is no one better to trust than Shangtee. His ability to get the perfect angle on his targets and his precise timing mean that no one stands a chance against him.
Shangtee has the ability to become an Ancient Tier in no time at all, thanks to his strong understanding of the game and highly technical play.
Going up against a team with Shangtee on it can be intimidating - don't get cold-cocked by one of his perfectly executed ice blasts or lose a game before it starts because of his Ancient Apparition mastery.
There is no doubt that Shangtee is an incredibly powerful player in the world of Dota 2, and deserves to be placed highly among his peers. |     |
 | Knightrider224 |
Knightrider224's Ancient rank is impressive, but even more impressive is the skill they show while defending highground with Sniper.
With their aim steady on the highground and their accuracy in full display, Knightrider224 is undoubtedly one of the best Sniper players out there.
With only a few players competing at the same skill level, Knightrider224 has easily established themselves among the upper echelon of Dota2 players.
Knightrider224's ability to harass and deny their opponents from the highground is a mark of true skill and strategy.
Knightrider224 is a force to be reckoned with, proving time and time again that skillful Sniper play is still a viable meta. |     |
 | DJTeaJay |
DJTeaJay may not have the best map awareness, but his friendliness makes up for it in spades. He truly is a real gem of a player.
If you're looking for a great teammate to have a laugh with, DJTeaJay is your real go-to choice!
His in-game chat is typically full of real comedic relief and boosts morale.
While DJTeaJay may not be the most competitive player, he brings a real energetic presence to the game that can't be matched.
All in all, DJTeaJay might not be the best player - but his real friendliness, sense of humor, and excellent teamwork make him an essential part of any team. |     |
 | kickslide |
Kickslide is no doubt a solid Venomancer - hell yeah! He knows how to take advantage of the hero’s skillset to gain ground and position himself for success.
In addition to being a flexible player, Kickslide is also known as a friendly player. His teammates always appreciate his attitude, which represents the real spirit of the game.
While Kickslide’s rank may be considered mediocre, his ult usage in teamfights is very good. He knows how to find exactly the right window to use this powerful tool, resulting in some critical team fight victories.
Kickslide is a great asset for teams looking for a Venomancer - his proficiency and friendly demeanor make him even more attractive.
All things considered, Kickslide is an overall solid pick to have in your team - hell yeah! He’s friendly, competent and his ult usage is great. |     |
 | juneaujr |
Juneaujr is a mysterious Dota 2 player who unfortunately has terrible game sense.
He often finds himself in horrible positions which leads to games being lost unnecessarily.
His laning phase is abysmal which is a major detriment to the team.
His in-game decision making is highly suspect, resulting in losses even when his team has the upper hand.
His only redeeming quality is that he has shown potential, potential which in most cases goes unrealized.
Funny Dota2 fact: Juneaujr has the unique talent of being able to get himself killed even when playing the safest heroes. |     |
 | Tiggles ツ |
# Tiggles ツ is a fundamentally solid player when using Witch Doctor, a hero well suited to annoying offlane opponents with maledict.
# His expertise in using Witch Doctor, combined with his maledict tactics, can often give opponents a hard time.
# However, Tiggles ツ's overall ranking is only mediocre, which limits his impact on the game.
# His understanding of Witch Doctor's kit is unquestioned, but many other heroes beyond Witch Doctor remain a mystery to him.
# Ultimately, Tiggles ツ's skills are good but nothing to write home about, making him suitable for professional teams at a midrange level. |     |
 | kingfisher |
"Kingfisher is one of the dark horses of the Dota2 world, rising from obscurity to prove his skill at the Legend tier. He has a knack for outsmarting his opponents and stunning them with his masterful tactics. His mathematical understanding of the game puts him at the top of player rankings and shows his commitment to excellence. His in-game decision making is so good that it's become a joke in the Dota2 community that Kingfisher's predatory prowess can only be stopped not by wards, but rather by tranquilizer darts! His influence on the game is certain to make a lasting impact in the years to come." |     |
 | Zxyqu |
Zxyqu is an average player when it comes to most aspects of Dota2, but they really shine when it comes to Hood Wink.
They have an amazing knack for finding the most creative ways to contribute to their team's success – even if it means hiding in trees.
Their penchant for making mistakes can be quite frustrating, however, which can put a damper on their otherwise successful efforts.
When it comes to rankings, Zxyqu's abilities to dominate with Hood Wink gives them an edge that puts them above their counterparts.
While their mistakes can be annoying, the benefit they receive by hiding in trees more than offsets the detriment.
All things considered, Zxyqu is a solid mid-tier Dota2 player who excels at Hood Wink and can hold their own thanks to a few tricks up their sleeve. |     |
 | ianpowerson |
Ianpowerson is a Dota2 player to be reckoned with - he's slightly toxic and will hell triple raze you if provoked, but his Shadow Fiend game is nothing short of amazing. However, his overall game sense is pretty terrible, and this holds him back from truly being a powerhouse. In conclusion, I'd rank Ianpowerson as a mid tier Dota2 player - he's got the skills required to dominate, but his game sense holds him back from being truly competitive. |     |
 | WildeManBeats |
WildeManBeats is definitely a player to be reckoned with; his mother comes for you attitude is coupled with an impressive Legend Tier rank, making him definitely one of the top dota2 players around.
His prowess on the battlefield is on full display with a solid mastery of Broodmother play; his matchmaking rating speaks to this skill with uncompromising accuracy.
His knack for strategy, utilization of character abilities and instant decision making places him above average in an already competitive player base.
WildeManBeats knows when to be aggressive, when to back off, when to fight and when to retreat, demonstrating remarkable game knowledge and mastery.
Overall, WildeManBeats is a player that definitely stands out with his high rank, keen strategy and legendary persona. |     |
 | Pisces |
Pisces may be a mediocre ranked Dota2 player but don't let his rank fool you - when paired with Drow, he's a total badass, unleashing an unbeatable combo of damage and speed.
Pisces is a friendly player but beware - when you're up against him in-game, he can transform into a ruthless Vengeful Spirit.
Gameplay-wise, Pisces is totally exceptional when it comes to Vengeful Spirit - his combo of disabling spells, nukes, and burst damage make him a real threat.
As with any Dota2 player, if you can survive Pisces' early game onslaught, you have a good chance of taking him down in the late game.
Overall, Pisces is a pretty badass player, especially when paired with Drow. If you're up against him in-game, be prepared for a fight! |     |
 | Joubin | .
Joubin is the absolute worst when it comes to playing the midlane. His favorite pastime is to toss you under the tower, making life a living hell for his teammates. Fuck that.
Thankfully, all of his tossing is compensated by his amazing Tiny play. If you're up against Joubin playing Tiny you might as well call it a lost game right away.
Joubin's toxicity is off the charts. This guy doesn't come close to sportsmanship and considers verbal violence as a valid form of expression.
Despite all these downsides, one should not forget that Joubin has a Legend Rank. This fact alone proves that Joubin has an exceptional level of skill.
All in all, Joubin's commitment to Dota2 make up for his fuck-y attitude and you can expect great games from him. |     |
 | speedga |
Speedga clearly embodies the spirit of a true Dota2 legend. He is capable of taking on the largest of tanky heroes and defeating them with ease.
Speedga plays Necrophos like no other. His Nimbus cloud of Death Pulse is enough to make even the most experienced opponents tremble in fear.
Speedga's legendary skills have earned him an equally legendary tier in the Dota2 leaderboards.
Speedga is so frighteningly good that he often threatens to top even professionals in his tournament matches.
Who needs expensive gadgets when you have Speedga on your team? His extraordinary performance will save you a fortune. |     |
 | ♀Gh☼st♀ |
♀Gh☼st♀ is a formidable Dota2 player with remarkable map awareness. His high Ancient Rank speaks for itself, showing off his skill and experience.
His proficiency with Nature's Prophet has made him a feared opponent for many players, as it's near impossible to handle the pressure he can put out with that hero.
He has an innate ability to recognize how a game is going and make important decisions to take advantage of the situation. No matter how dire the situation may appear, it's never over with ♀Gh☼st♀ leading his team.
He is able to quickly assess a given map and determine the best strategy to win. This good map awareness really helps him clinch games and make him a perfect asset for any team.
♀Gh☼st♀ is a worthy adversary, yet a reliable ally. His sharp wits, experience and skill make it near impossible to defeat him, making him deserve one of the highest rankings in the Dota2 world. |     |
 | aponzeus |
Aponzeus is an unknown dota2 player who constantly makes mistakes, which produces exciting matches, but not always the most efficient.
Aponzeus shines in the early game, but his lack of decision making in the mid game can be his downfall.
There's no doubt that Aponzeus has a lot of potential, and with the right guidance he can become a top player in no time.
However, it's important to remember that Aponzeus is still learning, and his current lack of experience can give him a disadvantage against experienced opponents.
Aponzeus's funny dota2 fact is that he has an incredibly restless farm and is known for forgetting to buy items during long matchmaking games. |     |
 | GetMerked |
GetMerked QEG/QED/BUFF(URSOL) is a Dota 2 player of Legends Rank and he is slightly toxic but that doesn't mean his skills should be ignored. He's solid with Lion and can out-work most players in the lane, hell his initiations could carry a team. On the other hand, his toxic language and sometimes finger-pointing may rub people the wrong way. All in all, I have to give GetMerked QEG/QED/BUFF(URSOL) a hell of a power ranking. He's a solid player - easily fitting into any competitive teams - but it's probably better to stay out of his way when he's in a bad mood. |     |
 | GAFF |
GAFF is the undisputed king of the Dota2 scene! Not only is he a Legend tier player, but he has mastered his Dawnbreaker skills so well that he has the entire map running in fear of his Celestial Hammer!
Whenever GAFF shows up in a game, you know it's gonna be a party! His epic ganks with the hammer are the stuff of Legend!
For those in need of a cheesy pick-up line - just ask for GAFF's Celestial Hammer - no one will take your flirting game to the next level quite like this Legend tier beast!
When it comes to Dawnbreaker play, no one can match GAFF! His unique approach to the hero and his incredible use of the Celestial Hammer make him a terror to oppose!
If you're ever stuck in a section that needs a little extra boost - look no further than GAFF and his Celestial Hammer! He'll show those enemies who's really boss! |     |
 | Wizard Captain |
Wizard is a top-notch Dota2 player that immediately comes to mind when talking about Ancient Tier games. His Bane play is highly praised and feared, giving his opponents nightmares.
Wizard is undeniably a beast when it comes to dishing out punishment, making his opponents tremble with his relentless aggression.
His combination of impeccable skill and strategic vision makes it impossible to pin down a weak point in his play and gives him an edge over almost any team.
With his mastery of Bane and tireless commitment to getting better, Wizard is an intimidating presence that cannot be taken too lightly, if at all.
Wizard is an Ancient Tier player who will push a team to their absolute limit and beyond, making him one of the best Dota2 players out there. |     |
 | Potatoes~~~~ |
When it comes to Chaos on the battlefield, it's hard to deny that Potatoes~~~~ is top of the pile. His mastery of Pangolier and Rolling Thunder create a storm of destruction, demolishing anything that stands in his way.
With his Ancient Tier play enabling him to gain an edge on his opponents, Potatoes~~~ consistently outplays opponents who can't answer his top-tier strategies.
On the whole, Potatoes~~~~ posesses an impressive level of skill and can easily lend his talent to any team he is part of.
When it comes to weaving excitement and destruction, Potatoes~~~~ is without a doubt in a tier of his own.
At the end of the day, there is no question that Potatoes~~~~ ranks highly amongst some of the best players in the Dota2 world. |     |
 | Infinity Captain |
Infinity is an excellent Dota2 player who has a knack for playing Pudge. His skillful timings and set-ups often leave his opponents in disarray, as he will chop them up with precision.
Despite his remarkable skill, Infinity is not without mistakes. He occasionally misplays, but is quick to recognize and correct his mistakes, so that he does not put himself or his team at a disadvantage.
Infinity is a great addition to any team. His ability to stay calm and focused allows him to take the right initiatives and keep a composed manner, whatever the situation.
Infinity’s experience and understanding of the game give him an impressive confidence, which helps him make the most out of his team.
All in all, Infinity is a terrifically skilled Dota2 player. His propensity to take the right fight at the right time, combined with his exceptional capabilities to play Pudge, make him one of the top players in Dota |     |
 | MontrealOsaka |
MontrealOsaka is an absolute force to be reckoned with in mid lane. Their Outworld Devourer game is second to none, and their ability to execute well planned Meteor Hammer ultimates to devastating effect raises their rank as a top-tier Legend.
With the ability to press any advantage and close out games with absolute efficiency, MontrealOsaka is a highly skilled mid lane player and strategic thinker that any team could benefit from having in their roster.
Always up for a challenge and carrying a deep knowledge of their champion pool, MontrealOsaka will find it easy to adapt when the meta shifts and less familiar heroes come into play.
MontrealOsaka's amazing combo of microskills and macroplays are a killer package in mid deserving of the highest praise possible.
As one of the highest ranked Dota2 players to ever grace the mid lane, MontrealOsaka is unmissable and a must consider for any competitive team looking to raise their game. |     |
 | BooshBear |
BooshBear is a solid chad at Visage, bursting down squishy heroes with ease. He's a wholesome chap, but that's not enough to drag up his mediocre rank. BooshBear could make a big impact if he practiced and improved other aspects of his game, like laning and positioning. His weakness lies in his unwillingness to change for the better and improve. BooshBear has the potential to be great, it's just not realized yet. |     |
 | LiL_Sebastian |
LiL_Sebastian is a solid Dota2 player who knows how to play Axe successfully. His ranking might not reflect the level of his skill, but his blink calls are quite reliable.
His Axe play is very reliable, making him a great team player to have on your side.
LiL_Sebastian is an overall solid mid-rank Dota2 player, able to hold his own in most situations.
Although not the highest-rated player, he more than makes up for it with his good timing and strategy when playing Axe.
His blink calls can win games, making him a great choice to go for even in mid-ranked games. |     |
 | dzbug |
Chad dzbug is certainly making waves in the Dota 2 community! He is particularly renowned for his incredible Sand King play, with solid blink and stun mechanics to boot. He is very friendly in game and easy to communicate with, but he does make mistakes, which could cause some potential issues. In terms of overall play, dzbug certainly power ranks highly - he is one of the few players that can wreak havoc on the battlefield with Sand King. In short, dzbug should be a chad on every serious Dota 2 team! |     |
 | plebeian |
Plebeian is an exceptionally toxic player in Dota2, with an impressive Ancient Tier rank. He is aggressive with his in-game movements and uses his past experience to his advantage. Playing with Plebeian can be quite intimidating, sometimes resulting in an uphill battle for his teammates. Unfortunately, the toxicity and lack of communication from Plebeian makes it tough for the team to coordinate and execute a successful strategy. His actions can be so frustrating that it's hard for the rest of the team to keep their cool, and when the games become too heated, Plebeian is the first to rage-quit. Damn, he's a difficult player to keep up with. Damn, he's really hard to get along with. |     |
 | GreenKing |
GreenKing is a master of survival and knows how to keep their cores alive no matter what - they must have mastered the skill of playing Io!
GreenKing is extremely difficult to gank, and they know exactly how to utilize their heal-centric team compositions to their advantage.
GreenKing's ability to pull off the best Io plays possible puts them in the Legend tier of competitive DotA2 players.
GreenKing excels at making strategic rotations with Io to split push and make sure their allies don't get wiped out without a chance to escape.
GreenKing is definitely a player worth watching if you need some tips and tricks to stay alive in a game of DotA |     |
 | Leeroy Jenkins |
Leeroy Jenkins sure has an amazing rank of Legend, that's for sure!
He seems to have a knack for taking advantage of Primal Beast's surprisingly strong capabilities.
You can always count on him to use the move Pulverize whenever an opportunity presents itself.
However, his decision making sometimes leaves something to be desired.
All in all, Leeroy Jenkins is certainly no slouch when it comes to Dota |     |
 | iCe Captain |
iCe may be considered a mediocre ranked player, but his skillful play with Outworld Devourer is unparalleled.
Despite his rank, iCe's astral imprisonment setup rivals that of some of the highest ranked players in the game.
He may not have the most impressive win/loss record, but there's no denying: iCe knows how to create a powerful combo out of Outworld Devourer and Astral Imprisonment.
iCe could be considered the king of Outworld Devourer... though his throne is only constructed with Astral Imprisonment and hinges on his ranking.
Let us not forget: it's not always about the rank, and iCe is the perfect example of a great Dota 2 player with a mediocre ranking. |     |
 | GodLike.Mat |
GodLike.Mat is clearly a deity among mortals: maintaining a Legend Tier status with his amazing Phoenix and Fire Spirit skills makes him just that much better.
The Phoenix's Fire Spirits are some of his best assets, causing eternal disruption and mayhem in the enemies camp.
His ability to use the Phoenix effectively and control the battlefield with fear is unmatched.
His peers can only sit in awe with his godlike presence in the game, allowing him to stay at the top of the ranks with ease.
Godlike.Mat's clear and potent proficiency in the Dota 2 gameplay is unmatched by any other player, rendering him the cornerstone of powerful pioneers. |     |
 | Ru Elamo |
Ru Elamo certainly gives Windranger the respect she deserves - their skill is closely matched and the duels between them are quite the spectacle.
Not to mention, those power shots with Ru Elamo's signature sniping ability are formidable and often state-of-the-art.
However, no player is perfect - and even the dazzling Ru Elamo makes mistakes sometimes.
Nevertheless, the combination of the good and the bad with Elamo's expertise makes them one of the top players in the scene.
Despite the flaws, Elamo is an absolute force to be reckoned with and a must-watch for all Dota2 fans. |     |
 | Leonidas |
Leonidas has mastered the art of spinning to win, often making use of his abilities to swiftly switch lanes and out-rotate the enemy.
His prowess with the Juggernaut is remarkable, and he can often take the wheel and carry team fights.
Despite his prowess, Leonidas is far from perfect, often making embarrassing mistakes and misplays that cost his team the game.
Leonidas certainly belongs on the list of top-tier players, as his spinning and Juggernaut skills are incredible.
However, his frequent errors reduce his rank and keep him from reaching the upper-echelons of Dota 2 players. |     |
 | ÆVUM |
ÆVUM is an enigma of the Dota 2 world. Despite his mediocre rank, no one knows exactly how he acquired his skills or what makes him so successful in the game.
He is known as a mysterious player among his opponents, rarely leaving a trace of his matches and never interacting with other players.
His strategies are so unique that it has been rumored that he is actually a secret AI controlling player on the game.
It's this elusive aura that has made ÆVUM one of the most talked about players in the pro scene.
Fun fact - While playing the game ÆVUM often talks to himself, thinking his opponents can't hear him - only they can! |     |
 | Big Al Captain |
Big Al is a mediocre rank Dota2 player, but he sure knows how to make things exciting with his skillful use of Dawnbreaker. As soon as the game starts, he's chasing you with that Celestial Hammer - hell yeah! Though Big Al's rank may be mediocre, his friendly personality more than makes up for it. When it comes to team-play, Big Al is always willing to lend a hand and help out. He's a great guy to have as a teammate - hell yeah! |     |
 | USDanny |
USDanny is one of the most frustrating players to lane against, as his game sense is severely lacking and he has issues making the correct decisions in-game.
However, his exceptional play on the hero, Batrider, makes him an especially formidable opponent due to his ability to dominate in certain circumstances.
USDanny is a unique challenge for most players, since his lack of game knowledge is often followed by a flurry of detrimental choices.
His strength on the Batrider hero, however, indicates that he has potential to be a better player, if he were to work on his game knowledge and decision-making.
Overall, USDanny ranks lower than average due to his struggles with the basic mechanics of the game, but can be a strong ally when the Batrider hero is present. |     |
 | Xeno |
Xeno proved that he is an elite Legend Tier player when it comes to playing Dazzle, especially when executing clutch shallow grave usage.
Xeno's aggressive play style has made short work of his opponents on many occasions.
It's safe to say that no one can deny Xeno's skill level with Dazzle and his ability to make game winning plays.
Xeno's steady determination and swift play-style has earned him respect among the competition.
All things considered, Xeno is unarguably one of the top players you want on the team when the stakes are high. |     |
 | D0c Hammer Captain |
Doc Hammer is apparently in our midst, sporting his Legend rank with pride and joy - and unfortunately, an annoying habit of dropping heals in lane.
Nonetheless, let's try to power rank this formidable Warlock mage - after all, he's made it to Legend despite his...less desirable lane morals.
Doc Hammer and Warlock just seem to go together, as his solid track record proves.
It's a pity his healing tendencies overshadow the crucial fact that he's good at what he does.
If only leagues could be won based on casting, he'd definitely be a champ. But alas, all hail Doc Hammer, a Warlock of legend who, for better or for worse, can't resist a few heals here and there. |     |
 | Mirana-R3born |
Mirana-R3born's Marci game is surprisingly strong, although that has more than likely been a saving grace in their otherwise mediocre ranking.
Don't be fooled though, Mirana-R3born is always looking to pounce with their unexpected leaps.
Unfortunately, due to the inconsistencies of their performance, it makes it difficult to estimate where they should rank in the overall roster.
With more practice, Mirana-R3born could become a great Doter, however in its current state, remains close to the middle of the pack.
While the unpredictable Leaps of Mirana-R3born may land them somewhere in the upper portion of Doter's, their overall skill and ranking is far from stellar. |     |
 | UsernameAlreadyRegistered |
UsernameAlreadyRegistered's rank is a far cry from exceptional, but they have a few bright spots: they make great use of Drow Ranger and capitalize on their Gust spell with sheer skill.
Unfortunately, their mediocre ranking reflects the rest of their portfolio: they are just getting by and rarely win games.
While UsernameAlreadyRegistered is a decent Drow Ranger player, their overall power ranking is nothing to write home about.
To their credit, they have a few moments of glory that stand out. But for the most part, their strength lies in familiarity with a few heroes, rather than proficiency across the board.
All in all, UsernameAlreadyRegistered is an average dota2 player on their best days and should really work on expanding their hero pool to boot. |     |
 | Loach (CDN) |
Loach (CDN) is an up-and-coming Dota 2 player who has been climbing the ranks, despite having a low rank in the game.
His aggressive ganking mid makes him a formidable opponent, and his near-perfect play style with Earth Spirit makes him a force to be reckoned with.
His quick reflexes, god-like split-push opportunities, and adept anti-initiate skills make him a top pick for any team.
His unique but powerful style of play is something that many players are sure to learn from in the future, as Loach (CDN) creates a new era for mid laners.
Though his rank may not yet reflect it, Loach (CDN) is an unstoppable mid presence and truly deserves to move higher on the Dota 2 leaderboards. |     |
 | Arctes Lord of Cinder Captain |
Arctes Lord of Cinder is an absolute disaster in terms of game sense. Unless you want to surrender in the laning phase, steer clear of him when drafting.
His Spectre play is surprisingly good, which is great because most games don't make it out of the early stages anyway.
To make matters worse, Arctes Lord of Cinder enjoys afk farming until a teamfight breaks out. This means he doesn't participate in map control or team strategy which is disastrous for team morale.
Overall, Arctes Lord of Cinder’s skill set would make him fit in at the back of the pack in any power ranking.
He can’t live up to his regal sounding title and should be nowhere near the top of your list when drafting. |     |
 | DEOS |
DEOS is a talented Dota2 player who stands out for his proficiency in Earth Spirit.
As a roaming player, DEOS understands how to make effective plays, making him highly valued in the right team compositions.
Despite his clear strengths, DEOS is not completely infallible and can sometimes make costly mistakes.
However, overall DEOS is a reliable Dota2 player and belongs in the upper tiers of ranking when paired with talented teammates who can help him reach his full potential.
In summary, DEOS can easily be a powerful force within the competetive landscape and prove worthy of his high ranking. |     |
 | police brutality simulator |
Police Brutality Simulator is a real champion when it comes to casting Stone Gaze, but his real shining point is his Medusa game.
That being said, his friendliness in game will probably make up for most of his mistakes.
He may make a lot of mistakes, but you can count on Police Brutality Simulator to be an expert when it comes to Medusa.
Overall, Police Brutality Simulator is a real pleasure to play with thanks to his friendliness, but his mistakes can't be denied.
He'll still have your back if you need someone to cast Stone Gaze, but in the end, Police Brutality Simulator ranks pretty low on the totem pole. |     |
 | alfie |
Alfie is one of the most likable players out there in the Dota2 community. Not only is he friendly, but his game sense is also excellent. He is a real force to be reckoned with.
His strategies keep his opponents guessing, always staying one step ahead of the competition.
He is comfortable in any role, and his ability to adapt quickly makes him a real MVP.
Having such a vast understanding of the theoretical and practical side of Dota2 gives him a real edge over his opponents.
Without a doubt, Alfie is one of the most trustworthy matches you can get. His skills are on par with the top players, and his overall experience is enough to solidify him as a top-tier Dota2 player. |     |